Weekly Weird Words are back! I totally forgot to post last week because we were road-tripping up the Oregon coast...so pretty!! We are staying put at my in-law’s farm in Washington for a little while so I’m aiming to show up here more regularly 🤪 happy Tuesday ✨
Weekly Weird Words:
Alma 32-35
Dross - Garbage-y. Originally described the scum that’s left over when metal is melted.
Penitent - A way to describe someone who is very sorry or trying to repent.
Compelled - Being forced or pressured to do something.
Confound - Either meaning to surprise and confuse, or, to defeat/ prove something wrong.
Sacrifice - Giving up something you love for something that is more important.
Hypocrite - A person who says or believes something and then chooses not follow those beliefs.